A couple of basic, but useful tricks when working with Apache HBase shell
I would like to share some basic tricks to use with Apache HBase shell that I have learned by reading HBase: The Definitive Guide by L.George, HBase in Action by N.Dimiduk and A.Khurana and taking part...
View ArticleRecreating HBase table without violating region starting keys
Today, I was using completebulkload to load larger amount of data into HBase. To keep this process well-balanced over the entire cluster (and thus faster), I was loading data into a table with...
View ArticleWhat I did when assigning META region in HBase cluster took ages…
Today, I faced the issue of inability to assign META region to a regionserver when starting HBase cluster. Basically ROOT region was assigned correctly and quickly (just a matter of seconds), where...
View ArticleA user having surprising troubles running more resource-intensive Hive queries
The problem A couple of months ago, one of our data analysts pernamently run into troubles when he wanted to run more resource-intensive Hive queries. Surprisingly, his queries were valid,...
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